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AstrologyMoon cycles

A Seed Point

By January 3, 2024No Comments

The New Moon at 20 Capricorn is at 11.57GMT on Thursday 11 January. It’s a powerfully grounding lunation, offering us tenacity, resourcefulness, and the wisdom to claim its potential gift of a gentle new beginning.

Capricorn is the last of the astrological earth signs. Its symbol is the sea-goat whose realms range from the depths of the ocean to the top of the mountain. As such, Capricorn has deep knowing to share about our earthy human experience, hence it’s a sign that is often associated with being an elder. Capricorn’s gift of maturity develops whilst it’s climbing the mountain of its choosing. That could be success in a worldly sense, taking care of a family, in living with integrity and contributing to a bigger sphere than its own life.

As the final earth sign, Capricorn represents how we develop maturity, response-ability and wisdom; it could be said to represent the shaman/shamanka for it holds the calling to embody our innate oneness with nature and all earthly realms. It’s where we are called to bridge the seen and unseen aspects of human life, to honour & live by the natural cycles, to act responsibly for all our relations and to leave a healthy legacy for those who follow.

This Capricorn New Moon, coming just after new year and planet of mind Mercury’s recent retrograde journey in Capricorn/Sagittarius, invites us to explore questions such as: What do I want to achieve this year? What am I contributing to life through my own life? ‘Is there a higher calling for me?’ ‘What am I being asked to take greater responsibility for?’  We may not yet know the answers, yet this New Moon is supportive to more tangibility. Right timing is a wholly relevant aspect of Capricorn wisdom, particularly this year.

Aspects to this New Moon call us towards the growing elements of our role within collective evolution. Intimate and/or working partnerships that serve & support that are highlighted. We’re called to appreciate how the different strengths and qualities of two unique individuals can create infinite synergistic creative possibilities. To honour and uplift both the uniqueness and togetherness, yet also to recognise the right balance of responsibilities that make a healthy whole. This may be a growth point right now.

This New Moon is a seed point. What seeds will you plant with its emerging light? Within? And in your partnerships? One simple small action, connection, or conversation can begin to take root now, in preparation for late January when planetary energies really get moving.

The Astrology

New Moon at 20 Capricorn exactly square the Lunar North Node of destiny in Aries & South Node of karma in Libra

Trine Awakener Uranus at 20 Taurus (station direct on 27 January)

Trine partnership asteroid Juno at 21 Virgo

Sextile Mystic Neptune at 25 Pisces

Sextile asteroid Wisdom Warrior Pallas Athena at 21 Scorpio

Art: Shaman Midnight Sun by Susan Seddon Boulet