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AstrologyMoon cycles

The Flowing Frequencies of Innovation

By January 21, 2022No Comments

The New Moon at 12 Aquarius emerges at 05.46GMT Tuesday 1 February, the Gaelic celebration of Imbolc, meaning: in the belly of the Mother.

The New Moon in Aquarius takes us energetically from the earthy structures and systems of Capricorn into the frequencies of higher mind: invention, innovation, breaking free of tradition and tribal instinct, growing our individuality whilst held within the collective evolutionary field of humanity. The sign of Aquarius values freedom and independence, with the strong need to forge one’s own path (often through not conforming to society’s law or unwritten rules), yet also to find the tribe in which we can share our discoveries.

Although this is a New Moon, the themes activated suggest yet another revisit to 2021 energies of standing alone or with the consensus, belonging or authenticity. It challenges us to step up where we collude or compromise what is true or of deep value to us individually, to ‘keep the peace’ or remain emotionally comfortable.  With the New Moon square its ruler, Awakener Uranus in Taurus, it’s likely that a challenge to security consciousness is at the root of any agitation i.e. needing to believe certain ‘truths’ in order to feel safe, or to avoid uncertainty. The difficult questions of these times are particularly prominent: how to remain aligned with your deepest values yet also connected to those close when there are differences; how and what to communicate in tricky situations; the extremes between forceful confrontation and biting your tongue.

Key focus: Awareness of rigidity and resistance, particularly in your beliefs: openness to what might feel or be challenging to your own perspective. Opening the mind beyond how you have been taught and what you have inherited through your family system. Questioning everything. Being awake to responses that cultivate new beginnings.

This is a time of discovering new ground in everything in our lives. Where is that most needed in your inner world and your life? With Earth Mother Ceres conjunct the Moon’s North Node in Taurus at this New Moon, the need to feel physically held is strong. Read that whatever way you do, yet without doubt self-nurture through the gifts of nature and your sensual reality: beauty, art, music, massage, rest and recharging, spiritual and embodiment practices, are transformers of what may be an agitated mind, or tiredness and resistance, at this time.